company policy

<p>Our company policy</p> <p>Currently business situations in a world are changing drastically. In such a time of change we could find many business chances. Enterprises and companies need capable human resources, to take those chances and step up activities.</p> <p>Characteristic of Myanmar people like tractability, diligence and challenge spirit for business can use to promote development of industries. In other words, those are seeds to develop companies and countries. We would like to improve those seeds to grow up Myanmar companies as global world companies. We are focusing Myanmar exclusively. </p> <p>Business consulting promote Inc.</p> <p>President Jujiro Yoshihara</p>

Business purpose

We would like to put our know-how of increasing in productivity [KAIZEN] for productivity improvement of all kind of Myanmar industries in use continuously.

Actual record

<p>Since 2004 as a consultant company in Japan we had worked for productivity improvement of production line, personnel-system reform, marketing backup. Actual record takes over 200 results.</p> <p>We have involved and backed up overseas advances of our client companies. Actual record takes over 10 results. We have also operated marketing research in Myanmar for overseas advances of Japanese companies.</p> <p>Since 2013 we have involved for middle small Japanese companies to apply for overseas advances support plan of JICA as an outside consultant. In 2015 we were adopted in basic research plan of JICA and finished the project successfully.</p> <p>Mainly in south-eastern Asia (especially Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) we are implementing human resources development of education/training and leading of improvement productivity by Japanese coach, who lives in Thailand, respectfully.</p>

Company profile

<p>Foundation: May 2008</p> <p>Capital: \10,000,000 Japanese Yen</p> <p>Partnering consultants: 100</p>

West Japan

<p>Hanayashikisoen 3-4-1, Takarazuka-shi, Hyogo, japan</p> <p>665-0802</p> <p>Tel:+81-72-702-8239</p> <p>Fax:+81-72-755-6416</p>

East Japan

<p>Takanawa 4-23-6, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan</p> <p>High home Takanawa 708</p> <p>108-0078</p> <p>Tel:+81-3-6869-0273</p> <p>Fax:+81-3-6893-3931</p>

Contact Us

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